PREP TIME : 15 mins mins | COOK TIME : 0 mins | CHILLING TIME : 1 night | TOTAL TIME : 24 hrs
Ingredients _____________________________________________________
- 300g light cream
- 50g strawberry jam Homemade Strawberry Jam
- 15 Matcha powder
- amount of hot water
- 15g sugar
- 400ml of yogurt
Instructions _____________________________________________________
Strawberry jam Flavor :
- Pour cold strawberry jam to 150g of light cream and mix well
- Then add 200ml of the yogurt and mix using Spatula and stir well
- pour half of the texture in a square tray and add a layer of fresh fruits in the middle to increase the taste, then add the other half., Seal it and freeze for one night
Matcha Oreo flavor:
- Pour an appropriate amount of hot water over Matcha powder and stir well
- Sift the Green texture over the rest of the cream texture and mix well
- Add the rest of the yogurt and mix well
- pour half of the texture in a square tray and add a layer of Oreo in the middle to increase the taste, then add the other half., Seal it and freeze for one night